Harness the Power of Presence and Community

for REMOTE WORK Productivity

Rise Above

Remote Work Challenges

Embrace the Remote Revolution

Mental and Emotional Fitness Coaching for Resilience. Thrive While Working Remotely. Achieving Success and Fulfillment Through Presence and Community

The Ultimate Monthly Membership Designed Exclusively for Remote Entrepreneurs

Welcome to the Remote Presence Mastermind Experience

Exclusive Community Engagement

Connect and collaborate with a tight-knit group of experienced and like-minded professionals working remotely, fostering valuable connections and partnerships.

Daily Motivation for Success

Stay mentally, physically and emotionally fit with support and encouragement, empowering you to overcome obstacles and strive for greatness. Every single day.

Resources at Your Fingertips

Access a treasure trove of empowering resources designed to enhance your remote work experience: Courses, workshops, webinars, productivity tools, self-care techniques...

Personal & Professional Growth

Mindset and Emotional Fitness Coaching for Resilience, Executive Presence and Conscious Leadership. Thrive with Success and Fulfillment in the Digital Age.

Remote work has become a necessity for

many entrepreneurs and their teams.

Unique Challenges

Feeling Alone and Isolated

Lacking Structure

Maintaining Motivation

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Experiencing a Loss of Vitality

Difficulty with Focus and Productivity

Battling Procrastination and Time Management

Balancing Professional and Personal Life

Lack of Networking Opportunities

Exciting Opportunities

Community Engagement

Daily Inspiration, Motivation and Support

Mental & Emotional Fitness Coaching

Mastermind Groups

Accountability Partner

Valuable Resources




Leadership Development

Personal and Professional Development

Membership Portal Opens Soon!

Select Your Coaching Package Now

Daily Inspiration


Engaged Community

Vision and Goals

Daily Inspiration & Motivation

Productivity Tips

Online Resources

Monthly Webinar

Vitality in 10 - Health Boost

Networking Events





Engaged Community

Personal Brand Statement

Daily Inspiration & Motivation

Online Resources

Mental & Emotional Fitness

Monthly Group Coaching

Monthly Mastermind

Leadership Development

Vitality in 10 - Health Boost

Networking Events

Accountability Partner



Private Coaching

Engaged Community

Personal Brand Statement

Daily Inapiration & Motivation

Mental & Emotional Fitness

Bi-Weekly Group Coaching

Leadership Development

Vitality in 10 - Health Boost

Networking Events

Bi-Weekly Group Mastermind

Bi-Weekly Private Coaching



The Remote Presence Mastermind Community is not just a membership; it is a sanctuary where the power of presence and community elevate every aspect of our lives. It's about connecting with like-minded and like-hearted friends who truly understand our triumphs and challenges, and a space where we can share our victories, seek guidance, and foster genuine connections.


Transformative Executive Coach

Michelle Burns

I Have a Wealth of Knowledge, Training and Experience to Share with YOU!

Michelle brings over 20 years of experience as a Mental and Emotional Fitness Coach, Yoga Teacher, Meditation Instructor and Entrepreneur working remotely.

Certified Integrative Coach

Certified MAP Coach

Certified Compassion Key Coach

Certifed Kripalu Yoga Teacher

Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher

See "About" section above for full bio.

If you have questions feel free to book a discovery session using the calendar link to the right.


Vitality in 10

Ignite the Spark Within

Vitality is all about energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life.

The Vitality in 10 Daily Practice Holds the Secret to Youthful Vitality at Any Age. How You Start Your Day is EVERYTHING. Start Your Day Bright!

Without your body, everything else is out the door. If you have Energy, Vitality, Strength and Endurance it's going to show up in your relationship, your business, and your life. Your physical health has to be a priority, not an afterthought.

Vitality is also about having a strong mental and emotional presence. That's why our Bi-Weekly Group Coaching calls focus on Mental and Emotional Fitness Coaching.

Vitality in 10

As a Remote Presence Member, you will learn this ancient practice. If you do the 10 minute practice every day, your life will change.

5 Postures * 10 Minutes a Day * Supercharge Your Life

  • Body Toning
  • Energy Raising
  • Anti-Aging
  • Libido Boosting
  • Detoxifiying
  • Hormone Balancing
  • Mental Focus
  • Stress Reducing

The Presence Perspective BLOG

Your Purpose is a Presence You are Here to Emanate

What Does Purpose as a Presence Have to do with Executive Presence, Conscious Leadership, Fulfillment and Success?

Spoiler Alter: EVERYTHING!! Enjoy the read...

Want to BE a Magnetic Leader that People Can't Resist? Cultivate Vitality and Executive Presence.

Being a leader is not just about having a title or position of authority. It's about inspiring and motivating others, gaining their trust and respect, and leading by example. A magnetic leader possesses ...

Harnessing the Power of Pesence and Community for Remote Entrepreneurs

Let's talk about the real challenges we face as remote entrepreneurs. While remote work brings incredible opportunities, here are some of the hurdles we understand all too well:

Battling Isolation and Loneliness: Working remotely can lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of social interaction, which can negatively impact motivation and overall well-being...

Transformative Executive Coach

Michelle Burns

Power Up Your Leadership

Cultivate Executive Presence


Quick links

Follow Michelle

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