Welcome to the

Remote Presence Mastermind

Fuel Your Productivity

While Working Remotely

The Ultimate Monthly Membership

Designed Exclusively for Remote Entrepreneurs

What We Are All About

Embrace a Thriving Remote Work Journey. Experience the Power of Presence and Community for Accelerated Productity, and Personal and Professional Transformation.

Lead by Certified Transformative Executive Coach - Michelle Burns.

Gain access to a treasure trove of resources, productivity coaching, and a supportive community of like-minded professionals. Elevate your remote work experience.

FOUNDING MEMBERS LAUNCH - 50% DISCOUNT UNTIL the Membership Portal Opens on June 15th. Join us NOW!

What You Will Get

Limited Time Offer

Only $497 Per Month

Cancel Any Time

Authentic Community Engagement

Join a genuine and engaged community of remote entrepreneurs who uplift and inspire one another. From sharing daily wins and insights to offering support during challenging times.

  • Welcome and Ignigite Your Spark Mini-Cource. Craft Your Personal Brand Statement
  • Join the Private Community for Daily Inspiration and Engagement
  • Access to a Library of Empowering Resources
  • Digital Coaching Content for Productivity and Tranformation
  • VIitality in 10 - For Age Defying Energy Levels
  • Executive Presence and Leadership Development
  • Bi-Weekly Group Transformational Training
  • Bi-Weekly Group Mastermind Sessions for Business Support and Development
  • Bi-Weekly Private Coaching Sessions with Executive Coach, Michelle Burns - one of these sessions is worth the monthly price.


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Transformative Executive Coach

Michelle Burns

Power Up Your Leadership

Cultivate Executive Presence


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Follow Michelle